28 Jun
3 Call Center Outsourcing Tips to Turn Losses into Profits

Profit and loss are part and parcel of any business. Every entrepreneur tries his best to make profit, but there are times when losses cannot be avoided. One of the biggest reasons for most business debacles is too much capital investment in ventures with diminishing returns. When investments do not bring in forecasted returns, losses become commonplace.

In this age of competition, recurrent losses are definitely not good for business. Especially when such losses can be avoided by using a good business strategy, for example call center outsourcing instead of running an on-premise operation.

Best Call Center Outsourcing Tips for Business Welfare

A business is a sum of many parts. When all these parts work in unison, the result is great. But when there is a problem in any vital cog, the business comes crashing down. Call center is one such important cog in the overall business structure. Nowadays, call centers are almost indispensable. No business can survive today without running a good call center department.

Call center outsourcing is a modern phenomenon that has been pretty successful in the recent years. With time, many call center outsourcing companies have mastered this discipline and offer excellent customer support, even better than the support offered by in-house operations. However, it would be foolish to trust just about any vendor based on its reputation, which is why; you should follow the tips below:

  • Offshore outsourcing to emerging developing countries – Unless it is absolutely not possible for you to outsource outside your country (due to some critical business reasons), it is always best to outsource to a developing country e.g. India and China. Especially India, if you are looking for agents that speak English with a neutral accent. The IT boom in India has made it the hub of call centers. If you can manage to find a vendor with a vision that resonates with your business philosophy, then you are sure to have a good business relationship. Also, the currency value in countries like India is much lower than those in developed countries like the USA and UK. This means, you are able to save a lot of cash due to a currency exchange rate that works in your favor. And as the saying goes, a penny saved is a penny earned…
  • Hire a liaison manager – Hiring a liaison manager for overseeing your outsourced operations can kill your worries about the handling of your process. A liaison manager will act as your eyes and ears at the remote location. There are two huge advantages of such a hiring, to wit, constant monitoring of your day-to-day business and no need to make expensive travels to countries far away. Just like the previous tip, this initiative can help you save a lot of money.
  • Take into account the software used by the vendor – Nowadays, there are many software solutions available that can make day-to-day call center work a lot easier. Moreover, AI-powered solutions like CRM and call center software can generate insights that can be used for future welfare of your business. It is best to learn about the software used by the call center outsourcing company and compare it online with other software solutions, before making the final decision about outsourcing. 
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